Whether you know it yet or not, God loves you, and we do too. We believe that God created you on purpose, and for a purpose. He has more planned for your life than you could ever expect or imagine. So we thought we'd do something extra special for you, just to show you how loved you really are.
Have you ever wondered, "Why am I here?" "What's my life all about?" "Do I have a purpose?" If so, you're not alone. The answers you’re looking for, the love you’re desperate for, and the connection you crave are closer than you think.
If you want to know more about the love that God has for you, join us for Church Online.
Church Online is the perfect place for people who are curious about God, but still have doubts; a place where you can learn, apply, and wrestle with who God is and how He relates to you. We are committed to being relevant to all people, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey. So come as you are!
Each service lasts about an hour and features worship music and a relevant, life-changing message. Attend by yourself, or join the conversation on a live chat platform hosted by caring, helpful volunteers.
Church Online happens every Sunday at 10:00am and 7:00pm. To join us, just go to https://mycity.online.church/
Got kids? Don't worry, we've got this! We also have a Kids Online experience for ages 2-11 at 9:15am and Youth Online for grades 7-12 at 5:00pm.